Saturday, 3 September 2016

Rather Lazy - Summer 2016 Part 3

This summer we spent a lot of time in Datca but I was so lazy/busy and didn't write one blog! I'm sure folk like my friend Margaret, who loves photos of the views and others who love to hear pussy updates were disappointed so here is a compilation of photos taken on 2 trips. In June/July I had just over a month there with various companions coming and going - Matt, Hilary, Zuzu and Aysel, Dorianna and Massimo. Then two weeks later, in August, I returned with Hil and Matt for two weeks to welcome Jack and Ania to Datca. Jack completed a crazy bike race - the Transcontinental Cycle Race. It was almost 14 days racing from Belgium to Canakkale in Turkey covering 4000 km, over mountain ranges, national parks and all unsupported. You will notice may hair is much whiter now. We were able to follow him with a satellite tracker so that made it very interesting. I hope he writes a blog or something one day. He came in at 49th out of over 200 and got there in time for the party which was a massive achievement. Ania was there to watch him arrive and then they travelled to Datca by coach where we enjoyed a week with them. Here is the third and final installment of photos

The reason our house is called Villa Dolunay. (Full moon villa) It was like this on our first night ever there.
Wandering around Eski Datca - A colourful pair lol.
Handsome but stern. This is the look he gives me when I point my camera in his direction!
Beautiful views wherever you look.
Pretty shops
Cute cottages
One for Melanie and Rob!
The comfortable coffee stop

Datca town
Our house on the hill
Then of course we went on a boat trip 
A day of swimming
boat spotting
enjoying the company of my family
eating - captain's salad
enjoying the scenery
a bit of diving
With our captain Ata
Out and about taking selfies!
Almond coffees became a favourite
All too soon it was time for them to go
The winding road from Datca
This was a lovely summer for me, it was lovely to have friends and family with me. I missed Tom and Charlie though. Maybe we can find a way to all spend time together there another year.

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