A super yacht arriving at Kargi Koyu. |
Hil and I arrived in Datca last week with our friends Melanie and her Mum Shirley. This was the start of Girl's Week - well girl's 10 days really as Matt will be joining us next weekend and Tom and Charlie the week after. We flew into Dalaman quite late, picked up a couple of cars and drove without incident over the mountains arriving here at 2am. The next morning over breakfast we spotted movement in the corner of the garden - OOOH KITTENS!!! There were three tiny ones with their Mum under a bush. Melanie and Shirley were beside themselves with excitement. We enjoyed watching them peep out and then take a few steps into the world. Then sadly they vanished, Mum had moved them elsewhere. We thought that was it - but oh no, after we had waved our guests off and they were on their way to Kalkan something happened. We were sitting on the terrace enjoying coffee when Mum cat appeared with a little fluffy ball following her. 'Oh where are the other two', we thought. She walked brazenly into our lounge and left kitten number 1 in the cubby hole under the stairs and then strode off down the path. Five minutes later she returned with kitten number 2 in her mouth and deposited that under the stairs. You can guess the rest - kitten number 3 joined the family a few minutes later. By this time Hil and I were hysterical and we just sat there watching the entertainment. Of course then we had a bit of a problem. We thought it best to leave them alone for a while and when we went out last night we locked them all in, a bit risky but all was calm when we came home. I managed to catch them and put them in a towel lined basket and now they are under a bush in the garden and for now all is OK. Fatma - a neighbour has been to see them so word is out. I am hoping that in a day or two I can give her the basket full of cats and a bag of cat food and say 'Here you are love take these'. It doesn't end there as Mummy Cat has a sister who is heavily pregnant and she is casing the joint for a suitable nursery. I'm hoping she thinks next door would do..
Anyway here are some photos and also some of our lovely friends who joined us for five days.
So cute. We are not handling them any more as they must remain as wild as possible. |
Kittens in the house - Matt will have a fit when he sees this!
We moved them into the garden
A lovely day out at Palamut Buku.

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